-Wesley Vocational Institute (WVI) Enquiry and Enrolment Form-
Given Names: *
Surname: *
Other Name(s):
Access to technology is required to complete this qualification.
I acknowledge I have access to a laptop or computer with a full-sized keyboard, camera and reliable internet to attend virtual classes and complete my learning remotely? *
Your USI (Unique Student Identifier) is your individual education number for life. It also creates an online record of your Australian training achievements. To get or check a USI visit: https://www.usi.gov.au/
My Unique Student Identifier (USI) is: *
Student Details
Which of the following most accurately describes you? *
I identify as:
Date of Birth: (DD/MM/YYYY) *
Residential Address: *
Suburb: *
State: *
Postcode: *
Contact Details
Email address: *
Mobile Phone: *
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact Name: *
Emergency Contact Phone: *
Emergency Contact Relationship: *
About you
Are you registered or intending to be registered as an NSW New Entrant trainee for the qualification in which you are seeking subsidised training?
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? *
In which country were you born? *
What is your residency status? *
What is the main language spoken at home? *
What is your proficiency in spoken English language? *
Will you need help with English? *
Are you currently enrolled in secondary school? *
Are you home-schooled? *
What is your highest completed secondary school level? *
Where did you complete your school level? *
In what year did you complete your school level? *
What is your highest completed level of post-school qualification? *
Tell us about other education (including certificates or overseas qualifications) not listed in the previous question?
Disability Support
Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long-term condition? *
Are you in receipt of a Disability Support Pension? *
Do you require special assistance because of this disability? *
Are you a dependent child or spouse of a person in receipt of a Disability Support Payment? *
Study Reason
Are you undertaking or have you undertaken any other Smart & Skilled qualifications this calendar year? *
Which of the following best describes the main reason you are undertaking this course? *
Have you been unemployed for over 12 months? *
Which category best describes your current employment status? *
Employer's Name? (enter N/A if no specific employer) *
Employer's Suburb? (enter N/A if no specific employer) *
Employer's State: (enter N/A if no specific employer) *
Employer's Postcode? (enter N/A if no specific employer) *
How long have you been employed? (enter N/A if no specific employer) *
Are you a client of an Employment Service Provider? *
Employment Service Provider Organisation Name: if applicable
What is your Employment Service Providers ID number: if applicable
Employment Service Provider Client ID number: if applicable
Have you been referred to this training by an Employment Service Provider? *
Please provide your Employment Service Provider training referral ID number: if applicable
Are you in receipt of an eligible welfare payment from Centrelink? *

Evidence that Centrelink accepts child/spouse/partner as a dependent must be sighted. A concession or exemption of the student fee will be determined based on this information. If your circumstances change after enrolment, this will not change your fees.

I have provided a copy of the following acceptable proof of concession eligibility, as applicable:
If you hold a humanitarian visa, please tell us:
What is the visa name?
What is the visa sub-class?
For the purposes of S&S Fee-free Scholarships and concession eligible young people (15 – 30 years old)

Are you an NSW Social Housing resident or on a waiting list for NSW Social Housing?  *
For the purposes of S&S Fee-free Scholarships and concessions eligible applicants (15 – 30 years old) include those who are or have previously been in out-of-home care.
  • Aged 15-17 and currently in out-of-home care OR
  • Aged 18-30 and previously in out-of-home care
If your answer is yes, please provide:
For young people aged between 15 and 17 years who are currently in out-of-home care:
  • A copy of the Children’s Court Care Order, or
  • A copy of the ‘confirmation of placement’ letter, or
  • A letter from Family & Community Services or the OOHC Designated Agency verifying that the child or young person is in statutory or supported care, or
  • Any other evidence which clearly shows that the child or young person is in out-of-home care
For young people and adults between 18 and 30 years who have previously been in out-of-home care:
  • A copy of the expired Children’s Court Care Order, or
  • A copy of the ‘leaving care’ letter from the Minister for Family & Community Services, or
  • A letter from Family & Community Services or the OOHC Designated Agency verifying that the child or young person was previously in statutory or supported care, or
  • Any other evidence which clearly shows that the young person or adult was previously in out-of-home care
Do you meet the out-of-home care criteria?
For the purposes of S&S Fee-free Scholarships and concessions, are you able to disclose (self-declare) at enrolment that you meet the domestic and family violence criteria explained below?
  • be over 15 years of age and be experiencing or have experienced domestic and family violence, or be the dependent of a person who is experiencing or has experienced domestic and family violence;AND
  • have a letter from a domestic and family violence service, refuge or other support agency
If you are able to self-disclose, please provide a letter from a domestic and family violence service, refuge or other support agency, as below:
  • Legal Aid NSW through their Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services, or
  • Organisation that provides Integrated Domestic Family Violence Services, or
  • Organisation that provides Staying Home Leaving Violence services, or
  • Organisation that delivers Specialist Homelessness Services (i.e: refuges and crisis accommodation)
  • Domestic Violence NSW, or
  • Any other organisation which clearly shows that the student is or has been previously receiving support services for domestic and family violence (for example a non-government organisation or charity that is self-funded)
Are you able to disclose (self-declare) at enrolment that you meet the domestic and family violence criteria explained above?
I have read and understand the WVI Statement of understanding and I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my Personal Information in the manner outlined in the WVI Statement of understanding *
Please draw your signature in the box below...