BSBPEF402 Develop personal work Priorities
Given Names: *
Surname: *

Topic 1: Plan personal work schedule.

Check your understanding - Are the following statements true or false?
Resource availability has no impact on the completion of tasks. *
Work group targets may be expressed as KPIs. *
Prioritisation of work tasks involve completing the easiest and quickest tasks first. *
Time frames need to be considered when prioritising tasks. *
Contingency plans are damage control plans, Plan B. *
Analyse risks by ranking them by the possibility of them occurring and the severity of their impact if they were to happen. *
A personal work schedule should be kept private. *
Schedules should allow for free time in case you are interrupted in a task or there’s an emergency that delays tasks. *
Check your understanding - Multiple choice questions
Which order is correct? *
Work task lists: *