Wesley School for Seniors - Course Feedback Form
Wesley School for Seniors aims to provide quality courses and services for you. Your feedback collected will be used to improve course delivery.
Given Names:
Course name
Course day
The following questions are a scale from 1 – 5 scale rating. 1 being not at all and 5 being very much
Did you enjoy the course?
Did you find the course easy to understand?
Did you find the course useful to get what you want to learn?
Did your tutor help you to get engaged with the course better?
Was your tutor helpful with answering your questions or problems in this course?
Your experience
What did you like the most about the course?
What changes do you want to suggest to improve this course?
Is the time and location of the course suitable for you?
Please leave your details below should you like to be contacted with your feedback:
Phone Number