Tutor Feedback SFS
Given Names:
Course name:
Course day:
How would you rate each of the following?
Experience tutoring at School for Seniors
1 - Poor
2 - Average
3 - Good
4 - Excellent
Able to login and deliver the course via the zoom link (for online classes)
1 - Poor
2 - Average
3 - Good
4 - Excellent
Not Applicable
Experience using technology during the course
1 - Poor
2 - Average
3 - Good
4 - Excellent
Not Applicable
Assistance available to run the classes smoothly
1 - Poor
2 - Average
3 - Good
4 - Excellent
Not Applicable
Classroom set up (face to face classes)
1 - Poor
2 - Average
3 - Good
4 - Excellent
Not Applicable
What other courses would you like to offer face to face?
What other courses would you like to offer online?
What did you like most about tutoring via zoom?
Any suggestions to better your tutoring experience?